Friday, November 25, 2011

15 Weird Habits

So I was tagged by Arunkumar [No!No!dont bring ur cursor over his name],
I havent linked his blog here, I dont want his followers list to be increased, 
u see. Usually I dont take tags because usually i dont get tagged by bloggers.
But i accepted to do this tag because its full of narcissism and i felt i can express
more free here.Here you go ... 

#1. What's a nickname only your family calls you? 

       "Thambi" I dont know how this name stick to me,may be i'm the second/last
son in family but i get kinda annoyed when my parents call me this name when
i'm outside and the worst part is i turn to look when someone in streets calls a
stranger as thambi, thinking they are calling me.

#2. What's a weird habit of yours?

I can never sleep in complete darkness. I need atleast a few lines of thin light 
somewhere illuminating my room. I still use a Zero watts yellow light in corridor
which glows all night  n fills half my room with its glow ,also i dont use curtains
for my room.Thats y I find it difficult to sleep in Hotelrooms with full curtains
and not even a Goodnight Liquidator green dot light. 

#3. Do you have any weird phobias?  

 Yes.I have. I'm claustrophobic to some extent.I'm too egoistical to admit it and 
i ve never admitted it to anyone.  I never use Lift as my first option. You can see
me in shopping mall/RMKV/Chennai Silks everywhere where i ll be using steps 
and even  urge people coming along with me to come by steps, when they insist i 
give lame reasons like lift ll be crowded or give a enthusiastic reason like 
"before lift hits our floor i think i  can reach the destination floor". I dont ve 
serious problem with it so kinda never think ways to get out of it. 
I still remember when i was 8th grade, i had a  head injury and was subjected to
CT-scan ,i  feared like anything being in that room and was chanting god's name 
continuously.The moment  the automatic stretcher took me in deep to be 
scanned i literally felt i'm boxed and my coffin is moving in, flashing all those
cinema moments of funeral.During these moments i keep on chanting 
God's name and i feel silly about myself doing so , so i better avoid
such circumstances.

#4. What's a song you secretly LOVE to blast & belt out when you're alone? 

It depends on the mood and time , nothing very specific. 

#5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves?

Its towards people who will be smiling at me n speaking very warm but in
between  when they get a call from servants they yell at them with a face
and then once back to me they again show the smiling ,warm face. The 
fraction of second people changing their emotions really pisses me and i
start to wonder what expression they ll give for me once i leave the scene. 

#6. What's one of your nervous habits? 

I pull both my lips inside n chew my lower lip and then when situation get
intensified i start to pull my hair.

#7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?

Always the side opposite to were i keep my mobile.For past 6years mobile has 
been a bedmate and I face the other side of it bcos of the late night disturbing
light n vibration buzz it gives when it receive a message or call.

#8. What was your first stuffed animal & it's name? 

I think i had one small sponge dog and day n night i used to abuse it by pulling
its head from body or pricking its eyes.This is the problem i had with all toys 
during my childhood ,i get a doll or toy but i never knew what to do with it n  
start to break it.My only exception would be then that time famous Complan
COMMANDO toy ,it was a wired toy so i can flex its arms n legs while 
saying Dishum!Dishum  during fights, rest of my toys were  rigid plastic or 
metal one which i hated till it was broken.


#9. What's the drink you ALWAYS order at Barista?

sorry i ve never been there. 

#10. What's the one rule you preach.. but never ACTUALLY practice?

"Stop advising me ; i ll ask you if i need one"

#11. Which way do you face in the shower? 

Morning shower - I dont face it and receive all water in my back bcos i can never
stand in freezing water with  face up. Skin of back is tougher and less
sensitive,meant for this purpose i guess. 

Evening shower- I stand front of it and like to receive all water over face , feel so
refreshed when water flows furiously over my face and get a philosophical touch 
that all the worst things of the day is getting  washed out and i'm fresh.

#12. Do you have any 'weird' body 'skills'? 

Nothing very skillful except i can lift my left eyebrows alone without showing any other expressions in face.

#13. What's your favorite 'comfort food'/food thats 'bad' but you love to eat it anyways?

Argh! I think its cauliflower , i used to eat a lot of fried ones even when my Dad 
warns me that it ll cause hypothyroidism. 

#14. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say?

" Its a Dog job!! "      

#15. Time to sleep- what are you ACTUALLY wearing? 

[ i think this question wont amuse any of my readers]
Just as usual night pant n light shirt.

so i'm done with it.

P.S: I dont know anyone much in blog so i cant tag anyone moreover this 
tag i too long and a bit tiresome so i dont want to stress anyone :)
Let it all end here :p

Monday, November 14, 2011

Exam Season

"Mind is just a wheel n heart is the engine , u can push ur wheel for few minutes but can never make it run till ur heart decides to fire the power " - sivasankar.

With november AIIMS 2011 my exam season for 2011 comes to an end. If u r
curious to know about my exams, i would say no need of it because if i ve done
well i would be discussing this topic in facebook public wall. In my opinion
this 2011 exam season [All India jan 2011, Tamil nadu march 2011, AIIMS nov 2011] is nothing short of a disaster. From the sequence of exams starting
from march to November every exam was a disaster and there wasnt much improvement through this phase. Thats when i realised the above quote by
a unexplored philosopher.

Exam hall is the place where all weird feelings run in your mind.Its the time all
ur ghost people from your past comes to memory and start to cloud your
thoughts [ reading this i want no spammers to link their yoga Cd online buyout
in my comment box for better concentration power , i already got shilpha shetty
yoga CD n i watch it seriously with wide open eyes n deep exhalation ] .

More than that exam hall is the place where u remember all people who have advised u in the past from childhood. Yesterday in exam i got two bubble of
such things, one my VIII grade science teacher coming into the bubble n saying
"sivasankar u r a good boy but u r trying to pretend like a rogue ,stop it n study
hard , u ll become a successful man " . I felt for her ,how sweet she was during
those school days ,she even used to share her snacks with us n taught us to eat
the hibiscus bud saying its good for health.. I replied the bubble saying i'm still
the same school good boy mam except for the couple of affairs in my college.

Then came the next bubble of thought within which i found my pharmacology
professor , he was telling in every class to take notes n said few points saying
its important for PG exams which i never listened . I even wondered how many
question would ve come from the points which he asked to underline n i was
lazy to do so..

I had lots of time to scratch my chin n even take some close shots at the girl
sitting next to me to confirm that she is not cute n my first impression was
right. More than that my exam centre was near airport n made a huge noise
everytime when a flight took off. I counted 17 flights from 10 to 1 pm n wondered
when i ll take my first air travel.

After all this misery to while away time finally they let me go by 1.30 pm after
all checking and once again walked out with despair without knowing what's
next to be done..

So for me 2011 season of exams are over.Thats something i can be happy about ;

P.S : The toughest thing post-MBBS is explaining your failures to parents.So i
prefer the below expression rather than explaining when Father asks "How
was the exam?? "

Monday, November 7, 2011


Its sad my blog is going like a entrybook .So finally November has come.

"The toughest thing in the world is to convince yourself".

Life is just illusion of pleasantries and we are awaken from the dream by unpleasant happenings. Its like only when u r going through
ur rough patch of life u realize u r living in this
world with real persons.The moment this thought gush through ur mind u feel a
instant hatred for people ,i mean the real world people and you feel all people are mean n cold. Blah!Blah! what the fuck is going on in me.. I agree its a tough
time for me but the thing is that i ve lost myself makes things tougher.
The guy who points black people's intention ,narrows n finally
zeroes the part in my mind causing the commotion n
tries to throw that part out of mind is missing for quite sometime now, n feeling hard to cope up without him.

Although i remain solid as ever n dont whine to others , the thing is tough this
time probably because of my breach in self defense n not able to exactly point
the location of the culprit n pull it out of mind. Dont expect me to make a
statement that i shud never got involved in this , nah ! nah I stepped into this
at my own will n tried to go through it even knowing all the after effects ,
probably this time i was overconfident about me n got slipped. Just when u
believe more in you God turns his dice to roll things to go unpredictable ,thats
what he does ,the worst opponent just to make the game more interesting
he turns things to any side with less rules n i must admit i was caught by
surprise by his move n though the move is slightly against rules u cant
complain when u r playing against him. So this time he wins or to be precise
he made the person on his side to win over me.

Truth and lies have a very short life than ours. A truth or lie cant stand ages like
a rock. All real life events that you see , you hear n you feel are true for the
moment but when the person goes in another direction all the truth takes a
U-turn at you n start to become lies n make a fool out of you. Its how u take
up those truth turned lies which come at high speed against you in the same
lane decided who u are . You may run backwards for few moments to avoid
the crash but the more backwards u move more is the pace it gets acquired and
you may get hit very badly. This is what i'm doing now n this is what is should
stop doing,and face those lies which was masked as truth once.

Though I still got the weapons to destroy the opponent, i dont intend to do it..
According to me thats called POWER. You can rip a person into pieces n
can destroy what all they got but still u dont . [ Courtesy:Schindler's List] .
Let them live their life.

As always i say this is not the November i thought ,i was dreaming a different
November ;).

P.S: With this November i'm completing 3 years in blog. Life has changed
considerably through this period. So let me greet myself with a nice bouquet :))

Friday, November 4, 2011

Remember Remember !!

DATE:25th OCt,2011.

October 25th .. night 11.45pm ... i got a call ...

P.s: ok i ve completed the post ;). Just made a entry to this blog about this date to
keep it documented . Its a very special date n i had a special phone conversation. oops i cant elaborate anything on it.