Monday, December 19, 2011

Murphy's Law Of Government Hospitals

"A patient rushed to Out Patient(OP) room in wheel chair doesnt mean he is 
    very sick  than the one struggling to stand in a lengthy crowd " 

You can see this many times in OP,  Doctor doesnt gets panic on seeing a 
patient rushed in wheel chair  n he casually attends other patients n make 
the wheel chair guy to  wait. Common people who see this think the Doctor 
is heartless and the doc sitting in OP always ve a grumpy look which 
perfectly add to their accusation. The real truth is that a patient coming in 
wheel chair in government hospital means merely that he has bribed the 
ward boy/stretcher bearer so he pushes him n even recommend to the doc 
asking to examine him first.  


"The more elaborate u speak ,the less likely u get an admission"

Many people think govt hosp as a rent less hotels ,so just when they wish 
so,they come here tell all impossible syndromes so that they get admitted 
for a week n get rich dose of Vit injections and Glucose trips n get 
discharged when they wish. The worst case in this is son/daughter bring 
their parents to hosp n say all non-senses so that they can admit them in 
govt hosp where bed and food are given for free of costs and they can run 
away. These guys r easy to find n you dont need to be a genius to know 
their intentions ,these guys ll look stout with a strong aroma of a local 
perfume in contrast his mother ll be in rags n boat stomach , this guy ll 
use couple of English words to describe illness n he keeps on speaking.
The doc listens to him patiently n gives a smile which only the Intern n 
Post-graduate sitting opposite can interpret n finally says no to admission. 
The guy who brings his parents to hosp thinking its a dumpyard get 
furious n speaks these Doc r not working properly they ll admit patients 
only in private hosp not in govt set up ..etc etc, he even goes to the crowd 
waiting there n tells his story of how doc here r refusing to take care of 
his lovely/dovely parents . The doc watches this all n never tries to 
correct the facts or owe an explanation . 

"When u smile and respect  excessively to a Doc in ward it does not give u a 
bed to sleep , but when u smile n respect a little to a staff thats enough to 
fetch you a bed in ward "

 You might not know that a ward ll be having around only 20 beds in 
ward but the In patient strength in that ward ll be close to 65 , so now 
u can guess the the prospects of getting a bed in ward. so only 20 patients 
get a bed n rest got to sleep in floors in ward . So few follow a cheap 
tactic of wooing the Doc by saying lots of sir or even taking him to the 
height of god but he never gets what he wants , but few brilliant people 
smile n respect staffs in charge of ward and the result is they get a bed 
within 30 minutes.The only thing these staff want is respect n recognition 
for their never doing duty of ward in charge. 

"It takes 5 yrs to tell that a thing is abnormal but takes 20 yrs to tell a person is Normal "

Its a common slang among medico community n u would ve heard it often in 
your Chief's OP class if u r medico . The same goes with Biopsy report,
CSF study and  Blood culture report. Considering that most 
govt hosp are there over decades n pvt hosp r just a half decade old. 
This is why most of the biopsy reports comes Normal study in govt dep n 
in contrast with abnormal findings in pvt hosp :P

" Most of the Midnight urine samples are highly likely to come as urine 
sugar one plus and acetone positive "

The Lab workers who come for Night duty are so optimistic guys that they 
come to job with a bedsheet with them hoping to doze off before 10o'clock. 
So when u bring a midnight sample for test the report collector just pours 
the sample in sink n take the pen n write a positive value for anything 
eventhough the previous value was normal. As i said before they r 
optimistic guys so they go for positive value . Most of the guys who 
try to cheat follow this code . 

  " A repeat of Normal Ultrasonagram study is highly likely to come positive for mild pleural effusion or mild ascities "

 We all know the shortage of radiologists in Govt hosp n the heavy crowd 
waiting for USG daily so  the last thing they want is the same patient again 
coming for repeat usg. 

                       " A govt hosp x-ray film is like God " 

We can never define God ,who ever u may be,which ever religion u may be 
but when one comes n asks u to describe God n where u can see him , your 
answer ll be "Its everywhere n u cant see  him alone ,he is within everyone".
The same thing goes for x-rays , there ll be a dark shadow everywhere n 
lesion is definitely within these dark shadows,like God among us . 

P.s : Post not intended to hurt anyone . If someone feel hurt ,mail me ..i shall give a apology declaration in my next blogpost !!


arun said...

Alittle late post.. but the "rules" always apply !! :P

Govt hospital la ithellam jagajam ! The only person who is satisfied in a govt hospital is the mortuary guy. no one bothers him, asks him kosteens !