Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cigarette ...Attitude .

So most people would ve noticed this in shop.Cigar packets comes with pictorial

warning to reduce smoking . I am not hear to explain the hazards or

how to quit smoking. I got a simple thought while seeing this images .. I feel

these images dont convey any positive effects to smokers .. these images r

fearsome n gives a stomach brawling effect when

u r in shop looking at cigar packs .Also says " SMOKING KILLS "

So my view s , it gives still more guilty feel to ppl who smoke nothing else.

The other thing s that it shows that ppl who smoke ll die of cancer.. Its absurd .

There r concrete evidence that not all smokers get cancer.. the most imp effect

of smoking s that it affects the Quality of ur Life.. thats what everryone got to

understand n not just telling u ll get cancer again again ..

smoking causes still worser

effects n its a imp risk factor for Myocardial Infarction[heart attack] , TAO ,

stroke , COPD .. especially passive smokers like child , pregnant

woman etc etc.. so those smokers must realize their habit s spoiling the entire

family n general health .. For that they shud get a Positive attitude n must

give up smoking understanding thats its for the overall family welfare.. The way

these pics depicts s an old method of saying if u tell lies god ll make u blind..

On the Other hand u got to see those US , Canada n other country warnings

... they try to explain u the facts about smoking n give their warning in a

positive way .. even the colour they use is GREEN in contrast v use red . so these

images seems more like a medical advice n encourages to reduce n slowly

quit smoking .

Just telling " smoking kills " s noway gonna help to reduce the smokers among

smoking population.

P.S :

But US cigarette costs Rs 8 .. so if u cant afford that much buy Indian

cigarettes n ask the shopkeeper to pack it in US cigar boxes .. It gives 2 positive

effects 1. Respect when u take cigar pack in front of others ..

2. Also vaguely u can take a resolution this is my last cigarette.. !!


Intern said...

y wud the shopkeeper want to reduce the num of cigrette buying customers? :P

i dont think the'injurious to life' statement works much, its been overrated. little things like 'smoking causes breathing probs' or ' smoking makes u age faster' or ' smoking makes you weak' might help.

Unknown said...

hmmmmmmm.. ena da smoke pani parthiyaaaa ;)

shiva... said...

thats true.. v must try positive ways to encourage them to quit.

But i like the way u think :P